Add Well-Chosen Jolts of Color to Avoid the ‘Empty-Fridge Look’

Add Well-Chosen Jolts of Color to Avoid the ‘Empty-Fridge Look’

I may be exaggerating a bit, but the model apartments I’ve seen lately definitely say the empty-fridge look is well entrenched, especially in South Florida. White rooms, of course, have been around for years, of...
Ah, The Wonder of White in the Summer

Ah, The Wonder of White in the Summer

Well, we’ve nearly made it through what would have been the merry month of May (in non-pandemic years) — and June is just round the corner. There will be better summers to come, and with...
What's In?  What's Out?

What's In? What's Out?

Every so often I write a column about what’s in and what’s out in the world of decorating. This time, however, I’m concentrating mostly on what seems to be out. As always, I issue this...
Music Can Soothe During Pandemic

Music Can Soothe During Pandemic

I've been thinking about music and how it soothes us.  Let it fill the air during these days when we're quarantining inside.  Music lately has become my new friend, and I am revisiting the repertoire...
Hollywood Recalls Island's 1920's Architecture

Hollywood Recalls Island's 1920's Architecture

Before the coronavirus pandemic grounded us, the year had started with lots of travel for my associate, Brinsley Matthews, and I. Among our destinations, we found ourselves working on a project in Beverly Hills. The...
Gallery Exhibits the Sporting Life

Gallery Exhibits the Sporting Life

Palm Beach means polo — even if the current worldwide health crisis put a stop to the sport of princes this season in Wellington. When I heard the news, I thought about how polo is...
Collaborating With Like Minds is Always a Pleasure

Collaborating With Like Minds is Always a Pleasure

I love decorating projects that involve a true collaboration between the decorator and the clients, and I’m lucky to be involved right now in such an endeavor. It’s a fun project, and filled with decorating...
Time At Home Can Be Well Spent

Time At Home Can Be Well Spent

Home alone or with others in your household?: Such is life in these troubled days. And even the most ardent game-board enthusiasts among us have likely realized we’ll go stir crazy playing Monopoly every day....
Flowers Provide Colorful Cheer in Stressful Times

Flowers Provide Colorful Cheer in Stressful Times

These days, we need all the cheer we can find. And for me, the floral colors associated with the arrival of spring are helping provide that cheer in a stressful world.